Tuesday, July 27, 2010

5 Minutes Ago....

Daddy was in the driveway washing the car.  I was in the kitchen prepping dinner.  We both heard a blood-curdling scream from the backyard.  We both ran with all our might to the backyard where Monkey was standing on the back patio SCREAMING.  Bee sting.  Bottom of the foot.  Ouchers.

This is his second bee sting now...the major fear is an allergy, since the Hubs is majorly allergic to bee stings.  The pros at the ER told us the 2nd one is the one to worry about, not the first.  So worry we I did.

Fortunately all is well.  A little normal foot swelling and redness...but an instant sting relief wipe and some calamine lotion (thank you first aid kit I was required to make in high school) and an Otter Pop and all is well with this almost two-year-old (practicing so that it doesn't SHOCK me when he's an actual two-year-old). 



"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Poor sweetie....glad he is doing ok :)

Jenny said...

poor little dude! my hubs is allergic too :(

mom vg said...

Sweet little monkey, hugs from gramma...kisses and smooches too!