Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CSN Giveaway Winner!!!

So....lame-o Miss Mimi kinda forgot about the whole giveaway know, with my mother-in-law recovering from breast cancer surgery and all (can I pull that card?  I WAS taking care of her, you know!!)

Anywho....I didn't completely forget, I'm just a day late!  So HERE'S the winner of the CSN Giveaway!!!!

All your names in a bowl...mixed up several times!

Mama, I'd REALLY rather watch cartoons than choose a name!

Just one?  Alright...I guess that's okay.

Congratulations to VINTAGE DUTCH GIRL for winning the $35 gift certificate to CSNstores!!! 
I will contact you shortly with the details of your winning.
VDG actually did my last giveaway so how fitting that she would win this one =) 

Thank you to everyone who entered and a HUGE thank you to CSN for sponsoring this giveaway!!!


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