Friday, June 24, 2011

Mommy & Me

We had a rare occasion in Seattle - a sunny day, and Monkey was requesting the beach.  Feeling emotional about it being our last days as just the two of us (OH the mixed emotions of a mama, right?!?) we decided to make the most of it.  So we packed ourselves some lunch and drove to the beach (a whole 5 minutes, maybe 8 with traffic =).

Apparently A LOT of people had the same idea because it was crazy busy!  I was thankful I stowed his bike along because it was much more entertaining than walking the distance away we had to park.

Monkey had SOO MUCH FUN!!  So thankful for this little man and the sweet, loving, considerate little boy he has become!

Mama had packed all the sandwich bags for Ethiopia so we used our giganto freezer bag =)

OHHHH I LOVE THAT BOY!!!  We're going to have some limited one-on-one time for the next little bit so I was soooo thankful for this sunny day to enjoy together (and yes, we got a little sunburned ;)!

Hoping to post soon from Ethiopia!!!



Mindy said...

Oh my goodness - such darling pictures of your handsome little man!! What a perfect way to spend time just the two of you!!

Unknown said...

YAY for Mommy time!!! LOVE the pics! Looks like you guys had such a blast!!! You are the funniest Mommy ever!! <3