So to start off let me shout out a big THANK YOU!!!!! --> That's me at the TOP of my lungs thanking all of you prayer warriers for lifting up our family, our T, and her birth mother Sunday night/Monday morning!!! THANKFULLY T's birth mom made it court just fine and testified. Everything went smoothly except for one tiny, completely expected, but entirely disappointing piece of news. The MOWA letter wasn't there. =( Big boo... But we know God is completely capable and we once again just have to turn it over to HIM! NOTHING we can do can change anything.....except - PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!!! So once again we ask that you lift this up to our loving a CAPABLE God that the MOWA letter will be there by May 23 for our court date (and preferrably sooner - like MONDAY would be great =)!!!
For those of you who completely feel in the dark with all this adoption talk...
The judge at the court hearings has a sort of checklist and before he or she can approve our case and make T legally our daughter, everything on that checklist has to be checked! (We would NOT have to travel for another court date even if that letter doesn't make it, they just need to see us once...but it would cause significant delays.) Birth mother testimony - check! All other necessary forms of documentation - check! MOWA letter - to be determined, Adoptive family testimony - check!!! (Ok...not yet, but we know that will be a breeze. Basically this is the purpose of our first MEET T, fall in love, and testify that we want to move foward with the adoption!!) So obviously if that MOWA letter is not there, she won't legally be ours yet and we can't move foward (having our paperwork submitted for the US Embassy for their review and approval to give T a visa and become a US citizen!) so it is CRITICAL that it make it there! In just 6 days our little T will turn 5 months old...and SHE NEEDS HER MAMA!!!!! Yes, she is content. But as you well know....even the best of orphanage care is no match for the love of a FAMILY and a MAMA and DADDY who love you unconditionally!!! Thankfully our HEAVENLY FATHER is holding her and won't let go!!! =) That's really the only thing that gives me comfort in this wait. HE loves her even more than I could ever love her!!!
So yeah! That's it in a nutshell!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - prayer warriers we NEED YOU!!! Pray for that MOWA letter! And of course, we continue to lift up T's birth mom during this difficult time AND our little T! We don't know how this is affecting her emotionally, but we sure wish we were there to hold her though it. We know she is young - but emotionally scarring at this age can be very damaging for a lifetime! So thankful that our Father is the ULTIMATE HEALER!!! We pray daily for peace for our Little Lady and that God will heal those scars.
Okay, okay! I could go on and on and ON!!!! But the truth of the matter is....I have BAKING to do, I have CLEANING to do, I have PLAYING to do, and I have PACKING to do!!!! Here I go...
Rest ~ knowing that we are praying for you ... and that He is watching over you and Little T and holding you in the palm of His hands as you follow obediently His will for all of you. Big HUGS that you have finally reached THE week of meeting your precious daughter.
Question, now that everything is progressing and T's birth mother gave a testimony, how long does it normally take for you to now be able to bring her home? This is assuming the letter shows up before you do.
As long as the MOWA letter is there by the time we leave Ethiopia, we should be able to return about 3-4 weeks later to bring her home!
Praying for your MOWA letter and your precious little T!!!
Wow, that's great! I'll be praying!!!
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